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ʱ�䣺2024-07-28 22:36:38 ���� ̨�� ��ҫͷ��
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����ϸ��ŷ�������ӱ�еľ���̨�� 1

����1. love means never having to say you are sorry. ����ζ������˵��ڡ���������¡�

����2. maybe i was a bird in another life.---if youre a bird, i am a bird. ����ǰ��ҳ����һֻ��--�������һֻ������ҳ��һֻ�񡣡�������ե��

����3. you complete me......---shut up! you had me at hello, you had me at hello. ��ʹ����������...--����ô˵����һ�μ� ��ʱ���ӵ�����ң�ӵ�����ҡ�������������

����4. i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night. �ұ����������ͼ���ǰ����������ˡ�������������ɯ��ʱ��

����5. i love you molly. i always have.---ditto. �ұ��㣬ī������զ����--��ҳһ�������顷

����6. choose me. marry me. let me make you happy. ѡ�ұɣ�ȣ�ұɣ����ҹ����ҹ�������������ѵļ���

����7. being with you is the only way i could hold the happy life. you are the girl of my dream and apparently im the one of yours. ֻ�и�����һ���ҳż����ҹ���������������е�ů������ȼ��ҳ�������е��к�����������ʮ�ρ�

����8. theres only one person that makes me feel like i can fly. thats you. ����ֻ��һ�������ҿ������լ��ܹ��������� �������㡣��ȫ����ʥ��

����9. you jump, i jump. ����,�ҿ���. ��̩̹��˺š�

����10. all life is a game of luck. �������ȫ�������� ��̩̹��˺š�

����11. i love waking up in the morning and not knowing what��s going to happen, or who i��m going to meet, where i��m going to wind up. ��ϲ����������ʱһ�ж���δ֪��,��֪������ʲô��,����ʲô���ľ�֡���̩̹��˺š�

����12. i figure life is a gift and i don��t intend on wasting it. you never know what hand you��re going to get dealt next. you learn to take life as it comes at you. �ҿ���������һ������,�ҳ����˷���,�㲻��֪����һ���ƻ���ʲô,ҫѧ����������̩̹��˺š�

����13. one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. һ������ҫ��i����·����i���ķ羰�� ��i���ĸ裬 ȼ����ij���������˲�䣬 ��ᷢ�֣� ԭ���ƿѿ��ļ���ҫ���ǵ�������ľ���ô�����ˡ�����ݮ֮ҹ��

����14. happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand. it��s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when you need love. �ҹ������dz������ϣ����ǵ�����⣬����ȩ�㳯ұ���ҹ���ÿһ��΢с������ը����ɡ� ������ե�ʱ���е� �ԣ��뱻����ʱ�����������㡣�����ݻ��μǡ�

����15. love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. when the lamp is off, you will find t he shadow everywhere. friend is who can give you strength at last. �����ǵƣ�������ӱ�ӣ��������ˣ���ᷢ�������χ����ӱ�ӡ����ѣ����������ը� ���������ˡ�������������ɯ��

����16. i love you not for who you are, but for who i am with you. �ұ��㲻����ϊ����˭��������������ǰ������˭���������ְ��»���

����17. love makes man grow up or sink down. ���飬ҫô���˳��죬ҫô���˶��䡣������ 500 �졷

����18. if you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it��s called burden-bearing. pitifully, mo st of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. �ٵ���ŵ��µľо��أ��ٵ���ų��µľи��ء���ϧ��������˵i��飬���ǹ��صġ���������ٰ�һ�ρ�

����19. we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. ����ÿ���˶������ڸ��եĺ�ȥ�у����ǻ���һ���ӵ�ʱ��ȥ��ʶһ���ˣ���һсʱ��ʱ�� ȥϲ��һ���ˣ�����һ���ʱ��ȥ����һ���ˣ�������أ�ȴҫ��һ���ӵ�ʱ��ȥ����һ���ˡ����������ρ�

����20. one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when you finally get you r own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. һ����һ�����԰��ϻܶ���ˣ�������������������ҹ�֮����ͻ�����һ�����ʹ��ʵ��һ�ֲƹ���������ѧ����õ�ȥ���պ���ϧ�㰮��'�ˡ���̩̹��˺š�

����21. when you are young, you may want several love experiences. but as time goes o n, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. you need time to know, to forgive and to love. all this needs a very big mind. �����ʱ�����ҫ̸�ܶ����������������������������������򵽰�һ���ˣ�������һ�� �ӵ�ʱ�䣬���ǻ��ӳ�����������ȥ�˽�����ˣ���������ˣ�ֱ������ϊֹ������ҫ�з� ��������ؽ���с������� 50 �ρ�

����22. when tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. this is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. it is the truth that weve all grown up. and we become different. ���������˽����ϊ�����죬����ϊ�����ﲻ����ҫ��ijһ�죬����ͻȼ�����լ��ڲ� ֪�������ѱ�ʱ��������ǰ�ߣ��ⲻ�ǿ�ֹ����������г�����ʱ���·��լ���ǰ���ĵ���������������ʵ���ڳɳ�����������������һ���լ�����������ԣ��

����23. if you leave me, please dont comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. �뿪�ҿͱ�ο�ң�ҫ֪��ÿһ�η첹ҳ���������̵�ʹ���������š�

����24. don��t forget the things you once you owned. treasure the things you can��t get. dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. ����ӵ�еģ���ҫ���ǡ����ܵõ��ģ���ҫ��ϧ�������լ��ģ���ҫ�������ѿ�ʧȥ�ģ��� �����䡣��������

����25. i love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. only in this way can i know what will not be abandoned by time. for example, when you love someone, changes are all around. then i step backward and watching it silently, t hen i see the true feelings. ��ϲ����ϰ���˶ա仯�ķ��������ž��룬�����ż�֪��ʲô����ᱻʱ��������׼�� ���簮һ���ˣ����������������ǻ���һ���������ŀ��ţ�ֱ��������ϵĸ��顣������ͼҹδ�ߡ�

����26. good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. �õi�������ͨ��һ���˿����������磬���i�������ϊ��һ�����������硣����с�޲¡�

����27. we shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. and then begin to love. have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. just wait for one love. maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself. ���լ���ǰ��ӧ��һֱ����һ���ط��������������ȼ��ȥ������֪����ʲô����֪���� ˭����֪�����ȥ���� ҳ��֪�����԰���á�ֻ�ǵȴ�һ�ΰ��飬ҳ����զ��û���ˡ����ǣ� ���ֵȴ������ǰ��鱾��������ɽ��

����28. is there anyone who hasnt suffered for the secret love? we always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. but one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that its always light, light. we all though t love was very deep, but in fact its very thin. the deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. ��˭����ϊ�ǰ�����ʹ��?��������ϊ�ƿݳ�����أ����أ����������ص���������һ�죬��ȼ���ף����dzŷ��֣���һֱ���ǻ��ᣬ����ġ�������ϊ���ĺ������������£� ������֪������������dz����dz����������صi��������ʱ��һ��ɳ�������ʹ��������

����29. in this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness. ����������ϣ�ֻ���������ֵ����ˣ����ܴ���ů�������ŀ��֡�����ע�ұ��㡷

����30. an unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting. a badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding. һ�β������ܵi��飬��ҫ�ij������ģ�����ʱ�䣬һ�ο�������������ʱ�䡣һ�ű����� ���˵��ģ���ҫ�ij���ͬ�飬�������ס���ӣ�����ˡ�

����ϸ��ŷ�������ӱ�еľ���̨�� 2

����1��in the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.��������с��é�ᣬ��һ��������˵�����㹻�ŀռ䡣

����2��dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.�ڻ���������λò����ڵ�����ȴ����á�

����3��every day without you is like a book without pages.û��������ӿ���һ��û����ҳ���顣

����4��love"s tongue is in the eyes.����ļ���ȫ��˫��֮�с�

����5��we cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. ���û���˰����ǣ�����ҳ�ͳ����ٰ��լ��ˡ�

����6��no words are necessary between two loving hearts.�����మ����֮�䲻��ҫ���

����7��without respect�� love cannot go far. �ȳ������𾴣������ѿó֡�

����8��love is something eternal; the aspect may change�� but not the essence.��������ģ�������ܸı䣬��������զ���䡣

����9��love makes man grow up or sink down. ���飬ҫô���˳��죬ҫô���˶��䡣

����10��loving you is closely to my life. �����ҵ�����ϣϣ��ء�

����11��where there is great love�� there are always miracles. �������氮���ڣ���������漣��

����12��eternity is not a distance but a decision.��զ����һ�־��룬����һ�־�����

����13��i need him like i need the air to breathe.����ҫ������������ҫ����������

����14��happiness is when the desolated soul meets love. �ҹ��ǹ¼ŵ���������������ˡ�

����15��love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. �������һֻ��������ϲ���ɵ�����ͱѻ��ִ������

����16��love and a cough cannot be hid. ��������һ�����β��ˡ�

����17��look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. �����ҵ��۾�����ᷢ������ҷ�����ζ��ʲô��

����18��love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.���ȴ��¸������ߺ��䡣

����19��where there is love�� there are always wishes.�����а����������ϣ����

����20��love is a chord in life�� not a solo. ���ǻ��ң����ƕ�������

����21��thank me for loving you no way anyone has ever tride. ����û��һ���������������㣬лл�ң�

����22��my heart is with you.�ҵi�����ͬ�ڡ�

����23��she who has never loved�� has never lived.�˻�����ҫ��һ�ء�

����24��love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.������һ��֯��������ȼ��֯���û����׺��

����25��every little kindness you show me would shake my determination. ����ҵ�һ���ã����ᶯҡ�ҵľ��ġ�

����26��where love fails�� we espy all faults. �ڰ���ɥʧ��'�ط������ǿͳ�����е�ȱ���ˡ�

����27��i love you not because of who you are�� but because of who i am when i am with you. �ұ��㣬������ϊ����һ���������ˣ�������ϊ��ϲ��������һ��ʱ�ĸо���

����28��dont cry because it is over�� smile because it happened. ��ҫ��ϊ�����������ᣬ����ӵ�в�������ҫ�ġ�

����29��love without end hath no end.�����࣬���ޱߡ�

����30��being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.������һ�������һ����ˬ���糿������

����31��in love folly is always sweet.�����у���ɵ���������˸е�ʮ�����

����32��is missing you in the dream.�����������㡣

����33��if i had a single flower for every time i think about you�� i could walk forever in my garden. ����ÿ���������ҷ���õ�һ���ʻ�����ô�ҽ���զ�ڻ��������ࡣ

����34��whom we love best to them we can say least. ����������ˣ�������˵�ļ����١�

����35��no matter the ending is perfect or not�� you cannot disappear from my world. �ҵ����粻���������ʧ�����ܽ���ƿ�������

����36��i need him like i need the air to breathe. ����ҫ������������ҫ����������

����37��the only present love demands is love.���������ψһ������ǰ���

����38��i miss you so much already and i haven"t even left yet!���ܻ������뿪�����ѷ��㳯˼ĺ�룡

����39��love me little�� love me long. ���������ܣ����󳤾á�

����40��sometimes you must let it go �� to see if there was anything worth holding on to. ��ʱ���������֣����������ƿ������ֵ����ӵ�с�

����ϸ��ŷ�������ӱ�еľ���̨�� 3

����1����i want to spend my life with you until the end.


����2��im afraid i love you too obvious, but im afraid.


����3��if you live to be a hundred, i want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so i never have to live without you. - winnie the pooh�����ҫ�һ���꣬��ô��ֻҫ�һ�����һ�죬�����ҿͳ��öȹ�û�������ķַ����롣

����4��when you love somebody

����you dont need proof

����you can feel it




����5��happiness is holding the right hands, and we wont be afraid even when we lost the direction.


����6��if a person really wants to see you they will make a way and nothing in the world would stop them.


����7��in the end well all realize that what we need isnt someone whos perfect, but someone whos right.


����8��in love folly is always sweet��


����9��you will meet a lot of people who will crush you ,but it is hard to find someone to keep you happy .


����10����i love you with no skills, sincerely and barbarously.


����11��i dont like this world.


����but i only like you.


����12����you cant have a relationship without any fights, but you can make your relationship worth the fight.


����13����i open your chat window but dont know what to say.


����14����this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less.


����15��i will lose hours of sleep just so i can talk to you.


����16����lost to marry me, marry you win.


����17����time always save the best for last.


����18��in the end well all realize that what we need isnt someone whos perfect, but someone whos right


����19����i like you. all over the mountains


����20��love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.












